
Quote from Don Knuth that is absolutely true: The very act of communicating one's work clearly to other people will improve the work itself 

parse browser cookies in chrome console

Been a while... Cookies can have duplicate keys if they're from differenet domains/paths/etc document.cookie.split('; ') .map(x =>  x.split('=')).filter(y =>  y[0] === 'YOUR COOKIE KEY HERE') Carry on.

Regex: add to the end of a line

Find:  (.)$   Replace:  \1\\n"

Excel. Trim last, specific character from cell

Quick one, Excel, trim the last specific character from a cell =IF(RIGHT(A114,1)="*",LEFT(A114,(LEN(A114)-1)),A114) That is all

AEM webdav connections in windows 7

The adobe documentaion: misleads you with regard to the port. Use the default port of 4502 and you'll find it works. Mapping the windows explorer works too in windows 7. I changed the registry entry, not sure if that was required or not. Found cyberduck  now has a windows version :), I used that whilst trying to get it to work as an alternative to native windows. It picked up the webdav port running on localhost when I selected that protocol. It gave me the hint I needed!

cmder cd to home Dir

If you're on a different drive you'll have to move there first with C: or D: whatever then you'll be able to cd %home%

Convert unix timestamp to date - Mac Terminal

OSX 10.6.8 date -r *timestampHere*